About Our Church

Building a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ
Our church is open to all. If you are taking your first steps towards faith or have given your life to the healing love of Jesus Christ, we invite you to join us.
We Believe
We believe in the Trinity: God the Father; who is our creator, sustainer and ruler, Jesus Christ truly divine yet fully human and without sin. He is our redeemer and intercessor. The Holy Spirit, who unites us with Christ through repentance, faith and new birth, empowering our discipleship and witness.
We believe in the authority of the Bible, which is the written word of God. As such it guides both our beliefs and the way we live out our lives.
We believe that God created both male and female in His image to exist in relationship with Him. Through our sinful nature we have become separated from Him. God therefore provided His son, Jesus Christ, as a once and for all atoning sacrifice, paying the price for our sin and reconciling us to God through faith in Him.
We believe in the full bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe the Church is a community of believers gathered together for worship, witness and service. This is achieved through each believer exercising their God given gifts for the good of both the Church and the community.
We believe that one day, Jesus will return to this earth as Judge and King, establishing a new heaven and a new earth.
We believe in full immersion baptism for those who believe and declare that Jesus is Lord. This represents the dying to our old self and the start of a new life in Christ.
We believe Christ instructed us to gather together around the Lord’s table to partake of the bread and wine which symbolise the broken body and the shed blood of Christ. By doing this, as a Church, we demonstrate our unity in the body of Christ and remember His death until He comes again.
Our Purpose
A lifestyle centred on God allowing Him to guide our attitudes, thoughts and actions. Worship is something we do individually in our daily lives. Also God places special importance on believers worshipping together
Meeting together as a body of believers is integral to who we are in Christ with services on Sunday and many other groups in the week offering times of fellowship, support, worship, prayer and teaching.
God has instructed us to go and make disciples of all nations and so we aim to share our experiences of God with our local community and explain how God can change their lives. Moreover as a Church, we support Christian missionaries, upholding them in prayer and offering financial assistance, as they seek to fulfil the calling that God has on their lives in areas all across the world.
Through the love of God we seek to reach our broken community, offering practical help whilst recognising the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of individuals.
Great importance is placed on the discipleship of Christ’s believers maturing them through Bible based teaching into a fuller understanding of and a deeper relationship with Christ. Our spiritual journey is one of constant growth, strengthening the foundation we have in Christ and equipping us for times of testing and moulding.