Kids Groups and Clubs
We provide a number of groups for children of all ages.

The Boys Brigade
The BB is a fantastic way to spend your Friday evenings.
Making friends here is easy, as the evening is filled with fun - games(sports), crafts & more.
There is also a God spot, where you can find out who Jesus is... & what he has done for you.
Friday evenings 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm:
Anchors (5 - 8-year-olds),
Junior (8 -11-year-olds)
Company (11 - 18 year- olds)

The Girls Brigade
If you join GB you’ll have lots of fun and be able to make new friends, play games, make crafts, sing and dance.
Also, listen to stories, and learn about Jesus and his love for us. We have lots of fun earning our badges.
Tuesday evenings 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
Explorers (4 - 8 year olds)
Juniors (8 -11 year olds)
Seniors (11 - 14 year olds) and Brigaders (14 - 19 year olds)

Parent & Toddlers
A get together for parents to share over tea, coffee their unique concerns and joys of parenthood. A time for toddlers to share toys with other toddlers. With play, crafs and singing.
Baby area provided
Meets in the large hall on Fridays term-times between 10:45 am - 12:15 pm
A morning of activities and crafts followed by a sandwich lunch.
Check our our events page and Facebook for more details
Activites from toddlers up to 11 year olds.
Charge for entry £1 per person.
Join us for our Super Saturdays Club.

Weekly Groups and Clubs
Our groups are open to everyone within the community.

Renew wellbeing space Womans Meeting
Anyone is welcome to join us for a chat and relax over a cuppa. Bring your own activity or hobby or join in with one of ours. We aim to provide a quiet, safe place of friendship where it's OK not to be OK.
We also provide a place for reflective prayer for those who wish to use it. There is no requirement to join in; we are open to all regardless of faith.
Meet in the Front Room on Monday between 10:30 am - 12:30pm
We worship together and allow space and time for us to pray and seek the Lord. We encourage women to practice their spiritual gifts and use their skills and talents to minister in the church, and serve the local community and the world. We study subjects relevant to women at every stage of life with the aim of becoming more like Jesus.
Meet in the Front Room on Tuesday @2:30 pm.

Church Choir
Choir meet to practice the hymns and choruses for the Sunday services and regularly rehearse musicals for special performances. Musicals written by Roger Jones are a particular favourite of the choir.
Meet on a Friday @ 07:00 pm

Pot White Snooker Club
A great time of fellowship whilst playing snooker.
All are welcome, from beginners to the more accomplished
Meet in the snooker room on Wednesday @ 7:00pm

Green space
We have a group of people who take part in community litter picking on a Saturday morning. We are also creating a green space to grow vegetables and flowers. If your interested in these groups, speak to Paul

Badminton Club
Open to anyone who fancies a game of badminton. All ages and abilities welcome. Rackets and shuttlecocks provided - just turn up.
Meet in the Large Hall on Friday from 8:15pm.
Monthly Groups and Clubs
Everyone is welcome from regular attendees to visitors.

Prayer Meeting
A time of prayer for the life of the Church and seeking Gods leading for the future direction of His Church here at Salisbury Road.
Meeting are held on Zoom on the second Saturday of each month @ 9:30am

Gents Breakfast
The mission of this group is to explore the scriptures with particular reference to their teachings regarding the Biblical male role. The men's group provides a supportive environment where we can study the scriptures and reflect on how we apply them to our lives. Booking in advance is required for catering purposes.
Meets the first Saturday of each month @08:30am

Book Club
Our book club meet monthly to read and talk about books.
A chance to meet new friends, keep your brain sharp and foster a love of reading,
Meetings are held Monthly on Zoom, usually on a Monday evening at 7.30 pm.

Film Club
We meet monthly to enjoy the screening of a film together.
From action to rom-com .
Special family screenings during the holidays. Community film club runs from September -May.
Meet in Lecture Hall @ 7pm. Check out our Events Page or Facebook for details of the next showing.